How it works

Faraway Books offers pay-as-you-go subscriptions, prepaid subscriptions and book bundles.

Pay-as-you-go subscriptions are paid monthly, with each ongoing transaction automatically charged on the anniversary of your initial purchase.

Prepaid subscriptions are paid in advance for a set period and are great options for gifts or if you only want your child's subscription to last for a certain amount of time.

Book bundles are sent out all in one go.

Here's how the process works:

1. Choose the product type

Choose the type of subscription of book bundle you would like and select the age category of the child.

2. Select product options and complete the questionnaire

Select the subscription length, number of books per month or number of books in the bundle. Complete the questionnaire yourself or ask us to email it to the child’s parents.

3. Wait for the books to be delivered

We choose books the child will love based on their interests, and deliver them monthly or all in one go if you selected a book bundle.

Learn more about us:

View our subscriptions and bundles:

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View book bundles